Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE FAQ for Network and I O

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE using Intel® Ethernet converged network adapters.

Note VMware VSphere* does not Support Simultaneous FCoE and SR-IOV
VMware* VSphere 5.1 adds support for SR-IOV. Intel® Ethernet Converged Network adapters support both Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and SR-IOV. However, FCoE and SR-IOV cannot be configured simultaneously on the same physical port in VMware’s implementation of SR-IOV for Intel® Ethernet Adapters.

Which Intel® Ethernet converged network adapters support Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE?

Description Product Code MM#
Intel® Converged Network Adapter X540-T1 X540T1 914246
Intel® Converged Network Adapter X540-T2 X540T2 914248
Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-DA2 E10G42BTDA 900139
Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-SR1 E10G41BFSR 900141
Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-SR2 E10G42BFSR 900137

What software do I need for Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE?
Intel® Network Connections software versions 15.4 and later contain DCB and FCoE support.

Which operating systems are supported?

  • Windows Server 2012*

    Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE is not compatible with Microsoft Server 2012 Native NIC Teaming
    Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE is incompatible with Microsoft Server 2012 NIC Teaming, also known as Load Balancing/Failover (LBFO).

    • Do not create an LBFO team using Intel® Ethernet 10 gigabit ports when Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE is installed.
    • Do not install Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE if Intel Ethernet 10 gigabit ports are part of an LBFO team.

    Install failures and persistent link loss may occur if Intel® Ethernet DCB Service for FCoE and LBFO are used on the same port.

  • Windows Server 2008* SP2
  • Windows Server 2008 R2*
  • Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 11*, SP1
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6*
Note See Windows Server Hotfixes Required for MPIO & DSM for required hotfixes.
Note Microsoft Hyper-V* Server and Hyper-V* roles are supported in Intel® Network Connections version 15.8.1 and later.
Note Data Center Bridging (DCB) and Virtual Machine Queues (VMQ) are not compatible. If you enable both DCB and VMQ communications over the network port will fail. Intel plans to support VMQ with DCB in a future software release.

What certifications and hardware compatibility are available?
Certified Intel® Ethernet DCB and FCoE Drivers lists compatible targets and switches.

How do I install the DCB and FCoE software in Windows*?
Select the checkbox for Data Center Bridging/Fibre Channel over Ethernet

Note DCB/FCoE feature selection is only available when an Intel® Ethernet Adapter supporting the feature is installed.

Watch a walkthrough of installation of Intel fibre channel over Ethernet on Windows Server 2008 R2*:

Fibre Channel over Ethernet Windows 2008 R2 Server* Install (MP4)
Running Time: 5:09
File name: FCoE_Intstall_W2K8R2.mp4
Size: 13.6 MB

How do I configure DCB and FCoE?
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)/Data Center Bridging User Guide provides details.

Watch a walkthrough configuring FCoE on SUSE Linux* Enterprise Server:

Fibre Channel over Ethernet Suse Linux* Enterprise Server Configuration (MP4)
Running Time: 2:54
File name: FCoE_Config_SLES.mp4
Size: 6.12 MB

Must I configure my adapter for jumbo frames if I am using FCoE?
No. When you install DCB/FCoE, 2.5K mini-jumbo frames are supported for the FCoE traffic independent of the adapter configuration. Therefore, you can configure your adapter to enable or disable jumbo frames for LAN traffic without having any effect on the frame size used for FCoE.

How do I configure my server to boot over an FCoE connection?
Watch a walkthrough configuring FCoE boot on Windows Server 2008:

Fibre Channel over Ethernet Windows Server 2008* Boot (MP4)
Running Time: 5:55
File name: FCoE-Boot-W2K8.mp4
Size: 19.0 MB

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)/Data Center Bridging User Guide provides details.

How do I configure my switch for FCoE?
Refer to your manufacturer's documentation for switch configuration and optimization.

User Guides for Intel® Ethernet Adapters includes configuration examples for the Cisco Nexus* 5000 and the Brocade 8000. Look in the Intel fibre channel over Ethernet (FCoE)/Data Center Bridging (DCB) Guide.

Here are some handy links for configuring the Cisco Nexus* 5000 series:
Setting Up FCoE on a Nexus 5000 by Scott Lowe
Configuring FCoE in the Cisco Nexus* 5000 Series NX-OS Configuration Guide

Related topics
Intel® Ethernet DCB and FCoE Drivers and Compatibility
Windows Server Hotfixes Required for MPIO & DSM

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